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“Good Life” applies not only to the old-fashioned hard work and values of farming, but also to the respect I have for creatures great and small. For that reason the farm is managed using sustainable products and practices. The beneficial insects, wildlife, and other organisms are safe here.

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Soil ecology and restoration is something I’m passionate about. In many ways I think of myself not only as a flower farmer, but also as a caretaker for the countless microorganisms that drive the health of my farm.

Microbiologists have said we currently understand less than 1% of what is really happening in soil. We know there are complex relationships between plants and other organisms, but not how they all work. Current scientific research also shows that healthy plants (which must be supported by healthy soil) are resistant to pests and disease.

Pests and plant disease pathogens are essentially nature's clean up crew. It's their job to recycle unhealthy plants to make room for something else. 


On the farm Instagram page I share regular updates on new blooms and availability. Instagram Stories is where I share most of the behind the scenes action and nerd out about what's going on here on the farm. 

Occasionally I send out emails with market information and news as well. Subscribe here.

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Agricultural research has shown over many years in many studies that there is no “silver bullet” for the challenges we face when farming -- chemically or mechanically. Instead we must incorporate the right tool for the job, and act with humility and respect for natural processes. When we disturb natural systems too much, and when we behave from a perspective of death (kill the bugs, kill the weeds, kill the pathogens), we inevitably do more harm than good.

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Unlike with imported or shipped flowers which must be harvested immature to compensate for shipping transit time, your local flowers are harvested at just the right stage. This results in incredibly vibrant, long-lasting flowers. 

No fumigation, no radiation, no cardboard boxes or dry transit, and no harsh treatments. This is completely different than many of the processes that imported flowers have to undergo. I encourage you to check out the video here if you want to learn more about the difference between local flowers and imported flowers.

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You should have a choice of chemical-free flowers for your home and events. I use no chemical insecticides, no herbicides, and no synthetic fertilizers. In fact, I use no artificial chemicals at all; they can have a damaging effect on the environment and the ecosystem both on and around the farm. 

Organic, soil-building alternatives are used instead; such as organic fertilizers and minerals, good compost, and minimal disturbance. 

Healthy soil = healthy plants. 

Physical barriers (like this organza bag) are used to protect some blooms from flying, chewing insects before harvest.

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